
Reach Across

Connect with the Church for Life-Changing Relationships

We know that life has its ups and downs. We need to connect with the church community for life-changing relationships that provide presence through difficulties, prayer support, encouragement, and the challenge to grow in our personal relationship with God. We also need people to celebrate with us through life’s wins, whether big or small. Here at Osage, we believe it is vital to your spiritual health to look for ways to make these types of connections. It’s one of the best ways we get to experience the love of Christ.

Connecting with the church community is not limited to a specific age group or level of spiritual maturity. Everyone can jump in no matter where they are in their walk with Christ. Osage has many ways to Reach Across through events, ministries, and groups. But we know the best way is through relationships you cultivate outside the building. Start praying about who you can connect with today and watch God open new opportunities to experience his love.

Ways to connect for the whole family!

View our calendar for upcoming events!