All month we’ve been going over the topic of Giving Thanks, developing an attitude of gratitude to God. The first week covered the account of the ten lepers who asked for mercy from Jesus. One returned to give thanks when he saw that he was healed. We learned that thanksgiving draws us closer to God. Let’s purpose to draw close to God by being thankful to Him, especially for what He has done on the cross.

The second week we discovered that God desires that we give thanks in all circumstances because this is His will for us in Christ. This time of year has always been special to me. I look forward to the food and time spent with family. I also look forward to watching the Cowboys! But I know that it might not be so happy for others. Memories of past holidays can fill our minds with both positive and negative experiences, and sometimes tragedy or loss. But what is important to remember during Thanksgiving, above the good and bad experiences, is that God is still very much worthy of our thanks. Let’s take time this season in the midst of our circumstance to pause and give thanks.

Last Sunday we talked about developing a heart of thankfulness, that thanksgiving stems from what has happened in our hearts. The more value we place on Christ’s work in our lives, the more our thanksgiving moves outward and benefits others. Thus, we must develop the mind of Christ, clothe ourselves with love, and do everything as unto the Lord giving thanks to God. Our lives have been radically transformed because of Christ which makes it a privilege to be a part of His family. This week, allow Christ to overflow through you as you give thanks to God.

It’s such a blessing to be a part of God’s family and share in giving thanks to Him with you during this holiday season! I hope you have a good Thanksgiving.

2 Corinthians 9:15 – “Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!”

By | Published On: November 24, 2021 | Categories: Church |

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About the Author: Nate Stephan

Nate is the Lead Pastor at Osage Hills Christian Church. Nate and his wife, Anastasia are parents to 5 children: Chris, Tim, Aaron, Hannah, and Ruth. Nate is passionate about helping you discover how you can uniquely connect Christ to where you live and find your place to belong in the church. He is also passionate about steak grilled to a nice medium and the Texas Rangers.

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